Why did we launch Tipis?

Photography: Alin Enulescu
Raphaël PfliegerDirigeant, programmation et design[email protected]
Thibaut EhrhartCommunication et marketing[email protected]
Gaëtan EbmeyerPartenariats commerciaux[email protected]
Camille Pflieger et David MartinsFidèles soutiens

Sometimes search for a flatshare can be long and costly. Especially if you didn't find that "one-in-a-million" within circle of your friends. Living in a flatshare since we have reached the age of majority and travelling a lot, we are fully aware of all the difficulties you can meet while chasing your dream flatshare: geographically locate flats for share, lack of information about the public transport, location and neighbourhood, problems with using already existing websites and paid subscriptions, etc.

Talking about website, in July 2013 we have decided to roll up our sleeves and try to change the current situation by developing a website in order to, first of all, facilitate the search for our friends web users. You will find neither long registration guide nor endless lists on Tipis. One map is enough: it allows to see the urban geography and infrastructure of the chosen city, sort out the information published on the website at a glance, and being able to clearly visualize types of listings and contacts that had been made.

Unlike the main website presented on the market, who doesn't hesitate to constantly increase it's subscription prices and based in the tax heaven, we don't have this approach for an immediate enrichment. Our aim is to create a real community and make available the best possible product for free, without feeling of being ransomed.

We sincerely hope that you will appreciate and adopt our website. Please feel free to contact us for any suggestions, comments or complaints. We value and appreciate customer feedback, it will help us to improve the website and make your search even easier.

As you can imagine, website development but mostly website hosting and maintenance takes a lot of time, effort and money... If you appreciate our work and wish do not reach for your wallet every time you visit other websites, please make a donation and spread the word around you, we will repay you :)

Raphaël, Thibaut, Gaëtan and Camille.

Click here to make a donation and support our initiative